Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CPAreviewforFREE--Try us FIRST before you spend your hard-earned money.

Lesson 101—In this lesson--Points to Pass New Demo, More Survey Results, Grading Changes in 2011, A word from Joe

From: Lynn (No, Joe hasn't gone anywhere!)


Ready to try Points to Pass? Not sure what it is or how it works? We thought you might like to give Points to Pass a try since it's not like any other CPA review product. Go to our store, scroll down to Points to Pass and click on the link "Example PtP Question". That's it! You'll work an UNLIMITED number of questions based on just that one demo question until you get the concept down perfectly.

If you like what you see, it is only one dollar per day for all 250 Points to Pass questions! For an infinite number of questions. Yep, $29.99 per month.


A tip to see our site in a larger font size: Open up your browser to CPAreviewforFREE and press the Control and "+" keys again and again to zoom in. No, you don't have to hit the Shift key to achieve the upper case "+".

Many of you mentioned that there's no phone number on the website to contact us and felt that we lose a bit of legitimacy because of it. We also have a 98% customer satisfaction rate with our current email support system and we run a very tight ship to keep prices down which we pass along to you!


You may or may not be aware of the grading changes that took effect in January 2011. Because they moved all the written communication questions to BEC, they had to change that. You can find everything about scoring now here.


You might find this interesting. On one particular day recently, we measured our traffic by city. We were interested in learning where people came from who used our materials. Here are the top eight:
--New York City
--Hyderabad, India
--Washington, DC
--Los Angeles
--San Francisco

Wherever you are, we are glad you are with us.

I love what Michael Jordan had to say: “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Does this sound like you?

--“I simply cannot find the time to study.”

Always be ready to study whenever a free minute or two pops up. Too many people take 30 minutes just to get ready to study. Everything has to be aligned perfectly. You can’t do that. You always have to be ready to get some work done if you have even the slightest chance. Always carry note cards in your pocket, for example. When a free moment shows up, pull them out and start reviewing. Or, for a small fee, you can download all of our questions and answers. Carry them with you at all times and if you have even one minute, that is a perfect chance to work a question or two.

--“I mean to study but somehow it never happens. Each day is the same – I’m a person with good intentions.”

At the start of every day, write down exactly when you are going to study and for how long. Then, when those times arise, stop everything else and make it happen. Nothing beats a schedule. If you say “at 7:30 in the morning, I’m going to study for 30 minutes before I head to work” then that should be an absolute necessity. If you say “at 5:00 each evening, I’m going to study for 45 minutes before I start to cook dinner” then you must not let that time slip by. Set the schedule and then hold yourself to that schedule.
I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and he mentioned the seminal work by Booker T. Washington “Up From Slavery” which was his autobiography, published 110 years ago. My friend had read it recently and mentioned one line that had made a real difference to him: "I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed."

YOU can do it!


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